Originally Posted by chappy
It's true Mal, I looked at our advocates phone and after a soft reset he had around 42 mb. I believe it says something like 89 total, I'll check today and confirm when I get to work.
Well, that kinda sucks, I have a Touch Pro now, and was thinking about getting a Treo Pro, but I don't want to have to go back to that little RAM. I guess I'll go look at best buy and play with it for a little bit. Anyone know what Best Buy's prices are going to be?? I have 4 lines ready for upgrade, and 3 more coming soon, so I want to make sure I use them.
Also, have any of the people that have been able to get their hands on the treo pro used a Touch Pro?? If so can you give some comparisons? I love my current phone, but also loved the keyboard on the face of my MotoQ, and wouldn't mind going back to that.