Originally Posted by ridleyj329
hey guys im gettin ready to leave for work but wanted your opinions on something.... i have been having a problem with dropped calls and when i went to the self service site that was one of the options. i then got a confirmation email stating that if no defects were found i could be charged, this isnt exactly something a tech can force to duplicate. how theroughly can they check something like this?
It's unclear. I listed all the issues I was having in the "other info" box - white spot, lagging keyboard, Rotate Of Death, dropped calls, hung gps, bluetooth dropping, random resets, etc.
All of those things happen on mine, with some randomness. The White Spot On Screen is visible to anyone. Its up to Sprint, who knows if/what they check. Just be sure to mail it back after a hard reset (and flash to stock/relock if you're not stock)
Mine hung during the bootup after hard reset. I think its pissed that it got replaced