Originally Posted by syrguy1969
dchiver....you scratched the protector while installing it? I would call the company if I were you, that is just what it is supposed to protect you FROM, and if it scratches that easily, I would worry about the long-term durrability!!!
It's a funny thing about that... I did it too on my Touch pro. I have had it now for @ 3 weeks and I thinks it's one of the best investments I have made. If you think about it tho, they state that it needs to sit overnight.
The reason is that while it is wet and not yet "cured" it's more vulnerable and in fact can be damaged. Once it's cured... man that is some tough stuff.
And in my case, in reference to the poster wearing sweats asking about covering existing scratches, it did cover some very minor scratches that I had.
Hope this helps!