01-23-2009, 03:57 AM
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Re: ****OFFICIAL TF2D Skinning Thread****
Originally Posted by Goldcat
I was having the same problem and asked the question on another board that I read. I received the following reply from emc_es7k
"The problem appears to occur as a result of a conflict that gets created when you apply the theme between the ROM's original HTCHomeSetting.xml file and the HTCHomeSetting-ActiveTheme.xml file that appears to contain a backup copy of the orignal, not to mention any BACKUP versions that may have already been created by M2D Customizer. When the theme is applied, the proper theme specific xml file gets installed over the orginal and the ActiveTheme backup copy gets made. At first after TouchFLO restarts, all appears to be normal and everything lines up. However, when you go back to the M2D customizer to remove the analog clock, TouchFLO restarts and the clock get miss aligned. Correct me if I'm wrong, or sequence of events are out of order but I've been thru this process a number of times now and it happens this way every time. It starts up right the first time but as soon as you disable the clock...the numbers get out of sync.
So here's what I have found out. Them problem seems to be a result of a mis-match between the original xml file and the theme specific xml file. What appears to happen when you apply the new theme using the M2D customizer is that the original xml file get renamed to HTCHomeSetting-ActiveTheme.xml and the new theme xml file gets installed. Some how when you then use M2D customizer to disable the clock it somehow uses and old version or backup version containing the old values and not the new values the theme applied. Not sure why this happens. There are two other versions of the xml file, a BACUP and a temp. Not really sure where the "temp" version comes from but I suspect the BACUP version is created by the M2D customizer. Anyway this is where things have gone wrong, at least as far as I can tell.
Here is what I did to get around it. Started with a hard reset of the device (start fresh). Applied the new theme, in my case I used the M2D customizer to add the m2dct file and applied the theme. Once the new theme is applied and working, and I will assume at this point the analog clock is on and the digital clock lines up properly, go into the windows directory and delete all other related xml files. The only file that should remain is HTCHomeSettings.xml, any others such as temp, backup or ActiveTheme need to be deleted. Now you can run the M2D customizer to disable the analog clock and when TouchFLO restarts, the digital clock should be in properly aligned and you shouldn't have to edit the xml file at all.
Sorry for the book, hope this works. It did for me and all is good"
This has worked for me too so it should work for you as well
you can just use an older version of the customizer. i use 24*****and it removes the analog without misallignment. i only see this bug in the newest version