Originally Posted by rileyd5
awesome release on 1.3! love the look and feel of the it. love the announced emails! volume display is amazing. very functional and creative. I just flashed 1.3 but what the heck, on to 1.4. quick question.
By disabling xt9, will I still have the ability to use t9 on the compact querty?
sorry one more, have you experienced the ringer issue that has been prevalent on the some of the other roms? where the ringer just stops working?
Good question.... Dang it, all the touch keyboards are now all numbers.... I'm taking down 1.4 until I figure out why. ... argh...forgot to save a provxml file before I cooked...

I'll have it by morning. So use v1.3 now
I'm not gonna rush it anymore I'm gonna test this first thoroughly.