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Old 01-22-2009, 03:44 PM
npatel1471's Avatar
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Force 1X/Hybrid in one click???

I have had the same issue as the OP in the diamond forum... it is as below with the registry edit

I had to force 1x on my phone, since I live in a horrible location and my phone would jump back and forth between 1x and EVDO killing my battery in less than 4 hours. Looking around the interbutts, I found this tip. Works on our Diamonds and should work on every other phone.

It allows you to make a menu option for easy forcing of either type of phone connection. I do not take credit. I'm simply reposting

Here is the Registry edit for enabling Hidden Phone Settings "Mode of Operation" option to pick 1X mode only.


Change the option HiddenModeOperationPage from 1 to 0

Then go to Phone/menu/option/service/and check in the list, "Mode of Operation" should be at the bottom. You have 3 choices, Hybrid, EVDO, and 1X.

I have this hack already enabled on my phone... is there the possibility someone can make a program out of it to switch between hybrid and 1X in a single click. At home i need 1X or im in the same boat as OP, but outside of that, i would like it to be hybrid mode. I know i can go thru the 7 clicks and switch it manually, but it would be nice to have 1 click program that you could use to cycle the two choices. TYIA
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