Palm's Pre handset, which has been recently unveiled by the company at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, is rumored to have a possible launch in the first half of the year. While the device is somehow expected to land in the May-June time frame, some recent reports suggest that we might see it on the market as soon as next month, on the 15th of February, to be more precise. According to a TreoCentral reader, the word comes from a source that also leaked the launch date of the company's Treo 800w handset. Moreover, it seems that the Palm Pre will require an active data plan as a prerequisite for its purchase. However, besides this, there is little evidence that the company would make such an early move with its device. The upcoming Palm Pre seems to get a lot of attention these days, as it comes with nice features and a brand new platform, the webOS, which seems rather intriguing for some. The handset sports a 3.1-inch touchscreen display which supports multi-touch gestures, a 3-megapixel camera, 8GB of internal storage space, aGPS and WiFi connectivity. The phone is expected to become one of the best-featured smartphones on the market and a powerful competitor for the Apple's iPhone. The device's software platform, webOS, also brings along a wide range of new and exciting features. According to the company, the operating system features an intuitive, multitasking user interface, while being able to provide fast and easy access to Internet browsing. For the time being, Palm hasn't yet unveiled the complete specifications for its Pre smartphone, which suggests that it is not ready yet to have the device on the market. The company is expected to put up a big launch, and there have been no marketing actions so far, which would suggest that the rumor about a February release are not too close to reality.