Excellent info so far and I thank you for the kindness and patience. I definitely have noticed the wide variety of things people here have cooked up and that is why I am hesitant just to throw one on my phone for practice. From what I have read it looked as though Kirvins No Junk was getting pretty decent feedback but not sure if that one is very outdated at this point. Besides, I could not find the file any longer as the link was dead . If anyone can recommend the easiest rom for a noob to use as the first time to break his cherry, i would appreciate that. I dabbled in Flashing my old IPAQ PDA years ago but that was extremely simple. I do like the idea of placing my own likes on the ROM since memory is such a valuable commodity and these little units do not exactly come loaded up with much like an Iphone. My brother has an I phone and I am sure that I can create a user friendly 6700 that rivals or exceeds his " toy" . I have scratched the surface here but it appears that there are some roms or plug ins out there that emulate some the touch features of the I phone??? How do the 3.5's run when the unit is overclocked? Does the OC'ing make it unstable with all the extras jammed in? Again if anyone has a good link to a fairly easy verizon AKU 3.5 Rom for my first go at it, it would be greatly appreciated. thanks again.