Originally Posted by ruskiyab
use tf3d config to get rid of the date
This worked out great, Thanks!
Originally Posted by eenieMINI
This is pretty much everything I've posted in the corner clock thread... sans the invisible clock.
The original clockonly home page cab should have removed the date. If it is there just edit the 590ad244_manila and delete the date format. Also, if you have appointments they will still show up. They do for me anyway. I haven't found an edit for that.
Since I'm happy with my cornerclock I'm not going to try it but you might be able to get the flip up back by using this cab.. it's a fix to make the clicked links work (at one time touching the calendar woudln't bring up calendar). I think I remember that it fixed the flip also. Someone might could try it and see. Won't hurt.
I did give this cab a shot but it didn't seem to have an effect. The next time I do this from scratch I'll install the cab early on in the process and report back if it made a difference.
Right now the screen is completely clear save for the annoying alarm notification in the middle of the screen. (Ie, if you have an alarm set for 7:15, it will show up there, and if it's off, the text "alarm off" will remain.)
Searching for a fix. Any clues are appreciated. Once it's all ready I'll update the original post with the complete fix and post screenshots.