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Old 01-22-2009, 02:04 PM
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Diamond Tweaks In Provxml...share Yous Here!!

Sup everyone,

I've been collecting tweaks for Diamond on this forum and elsewhere so that I can use them for my kitchen. I personally prefer Provxml files because with RGU, you run into issues of colliding rgu, and if whichever comes last, it'll be it. But with provxml, if my understanding is correct, these files I have are restored on every soft-reset.

I found that it worked very well for me, specially on those tweaks that are tricky to get it to stick with RGU.

Share yours here.

Also, if you want to test this with your current ROM, you can download these and remove the .txt and throw them into \Windows folder and soft-reset your device. Upon reset, verify the settings to see if it changed.


Keypress_Mute: get rid of the annoying sound on the Phone dialer buttons. I found that set it to mute will speed up the dialing process.
AGPS_Settings: is for SPRINT ONLY PLEASE!!!!!!!! If you use for other carrier you must modify its value.
GPS_PollInterval: is to set the poll for GPS to 1 second. This is helpful for GPS software which can't handle too fast polling like Navigon for PDA.
Disable_Welcome_Align_Only: it ONLY works for cooking ROM or hard reset. This is to disable everything except just aligning the screen.


TobeyChris mentioned that these files are called upon first boot after flash.

Last edited by vboyz103; 01-23-2009 at 03:41 PM.
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