Originally Posted by searcher61
I also had the black s2a...but the one I was using had the curtain over the keys when on a call. I believe I got it from a link from "Calcu" and I think is Mr. Hawaii's. It worked great other than that. I have Juggalo's on v4.1 also...and have not seen the problem again. Hmmm. Has anyone running v4.2 and is running the s2a that came with MightyRom's v4.2 (meaning they have NOT installed any other s2a cab) seen the "no ring" problem?
I have been usingthe black slide to answer, installing it with UC the entire time I've been using 4.2 and have had no issues with the ringtome switching. Must be the white s2a or the way it was ported from the cab to the rom.
Anyone using 4.1 and the white s2a able to report on the issue?