Originally Posted by coldheat06
I was able to do a Hard Reset with Dream's 1.2 Full
It seems like some are affected, and some aren't. I'm trying to figure out some ideas for why it's acting like this. I can't do either of the two hard reset button methods. If I start with the phone powered off, hold the center button and down volume and hit power, the phone will vibrate like I just soft reset rather than going to the hard reset screen like I've done probably 30 times before.
Also, while the phone is powered on, I can't hold the volume down + center button, and reset pin without it vibrating like I just soft reset.
Both of these techniques SHOULD hard reset the phone. Since I've had only Dream's ROMS other than the leaked 2.0, I can only assume it was something related to that. My friend also, only ever having dream roms, same thing.
Others besides me reported it too, so OBVIOUSLY something happened somewhere. I'm not saying my phone is jacked, it's just annoying that I now have to wait through customizations and two full boots before I can hard reset through the settings menu and do it all over again. This sucks because I flash so much. There's got to be a reason for why this is happening.