Originally Posted by Geekcop
More and more, I'm thinking it's the fact you have a 700W and it's limited memory. The original WM5 for VZW is available. I have it, but unfortunately, it's a 42 MB file, far to large to attach or email. I may be able to FTP it.
If you could up the original WM5 ROM for VZW that would be amazing.
www.megaupload.com can take up to a 1GB file.
Quick question though: Will I get my MMS back?
I already found a WM5 ROM, and it wasn't labeled Verizon or Sprint, turns out it was a Sprint rom so now I still don't have MMS and everything is all Sprinty. :\ But all my radio settings are still correct which is nice - but I really use MMS a lot.. Lol.