Treo Caller ID Pictures.... *WIP*
Hi everyone...
Well, I am trying to get bigger caller ID photos, and I think I (not really I, but a forum I have been active over at TC) has found the reg key..
Then using a registry editor go to "HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin" and change Enabled from 1 to 0 then go up one level to "HKLM\Security\Phone" and change Keymap to "ERTDFGXCVZUBO" and Charmap to "ertdfgxcvzubo"
If you swap your entry for those new ones, you get bigger caller id photos, you just lose your VM notification. I am sure there is a way to get both, so I trying to find the right combination.
Anyone else interested? Willing to help? Can shed some more help on this topic?