Re: No idea what to do with Sprint Touch Pro
I have nothing to add here that hasd not already been said. BUT I will say this.... from the sounds of your post, I bet that this is youor first Window Mobile phone or even your first PDA. Windows Mobile takes a little to get use to if it is your first. My suggestion is to give it some time before you give up on it.
Now, from the sounds of what you are looking for one of the new Palm Pre's ( not released yet) might be what you are looking for. Take a look at some of the features and you might see something you like. With that said, give the Pro the full 30 day trial period before you make a decision. If you return it before your 30 days is up, you can go back to your previous phone and still get the Pre at the disounted price when it comes out.
Either way, would hate to see someone give up to easily on this phone, but this commnity can help you out when you are stuck.
Just another view on things.