Hey guys Well dont know bout you guys they new 6th tab in kaiser home pluggin music icon was very difficult for me to see So after jumpin in chat and askin how I could modify the color... colonel was kind enough to direct me as to which files were the ones needed to change the color for the music icon. Basically I did some minor changes here is green default icon
And here is mine
Icon Selected
What I did was removed the kaiser homeplugin from the today screen temporarly(did not uninstall) then I copied over the two attached files to HTCHome folder(root section not windows folder) and then I softbooted then chose kaiser home pluggin again.. and it should be blue now.
I just hope noone minds or gets upset I modified the colors.. I in no way take credit for the pluginn or anything.. i just changed the color on it as it was very diffcicult for me to see.. enjoy.