Originally Posted by machold
Thanks, I'm looking forward to your next dish...
I did a stupid thing and tried another ROM (you can get hooked on flashing); I won't name names but it did a number on my phone; it seemed to work and then, hours later it went wonky. The phone would hang on the first screen; a hard reset (hard to do) got me to CMONEX, but I couldn't sync; then some kind soul explained this was bootloader mode, sync or no sync. I tried to re-flash machold Blue, but the update utility stopped at 2% to tell me it cold not update my phone. I took it back to the provider who replaced it. it seems the Touch Diamond has hard reset problems.
Thanks again
Wow! Sounds like a pain. Of course, it is possible to get a bad flash with any ROM, but I think we tend to take it for granted when we do it 100 times with no issues. I'm actually quite surprised this doesn't happen to more of us, more often. Anyway, don't blame the chef, stuff happens!
Thanks again for being loyal to Blue ROM!