Thread: Don't Touch Me
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Old 01-21-2009, 01:31 PM
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Don't Touch Me

This is from xda's Thanks Go To (dally)

Looks cool, I have not tried it yet (at work) give it a go.

Hope it Helps.

Thanks T M Z

DTM is an accelerometer-based application that raise alarm when any movement is detected. Designed for HTC Touch devices like Touch HD, Touch Pro, Touch Diamond and compatible.
  • Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 (should work on WM 6.0 & 5.0)
  • HTC compatible accelerometer (G-sensor)
  • Microsoft .Net Compact Framework 3.5 (download from Microsoft)
Develop thread You will find on XDA-Developers.

  • can minimize itself on activate
  • can switch phone to sleep mode on activate
  • can run selected program on activate
  • register move
  • user-defined sensivity of move detection
  • user-defined time of alarm
  • can play selected sound while raising alarm
  • user define code to deactivate alarm (empty on startup)
  • it's free
Tested devices: HTC Touch HD.


GUI explantation (v0.1.0):
1. Main Screen

Run/Stop button - activate/deactivate alarm
Menu->Settings - show settings window
Menu->About - show about window
Menu->Exit - exit application

When you activate alarm at bottom of main screen can be displayed two red panels. Left panel indicate alarm, right panel indicate movement.

2. Settings Window:
2.1 Activation tab:

- Delay (in seconds) - alarm activation delay (after pressing Run button)
- Minimize - if checked, application will minimize on activation
- Sleep - if checked, device go to unattended mode on activation
- Run program - if checked, select application will be run on activation
- Parameters - run parameters of selected application

2.2 Deactivation tab
- Change code - check if you want to change deactivation code (deafult code is empty)

2.3 Alarm tab
- Sensitivity - sensitivity of movement (float)
- Continuation (in seconds) - how long alarm should be On after stop of movement
- Schow deactivation panel - if checked, when alarm is triggered, deactivation code panel automatically shows up
- Play sound - play sound on alarm when it is checked
- Delay (in seconds) - delay for play sound (time for entering code without screaming device ).

To Do
  • allow to disable alarm on phone call

Available downloads

TitleDescriptionSize ClicksDTM cabDTM v0.1.0 cab file (copy to device and run)43.30 KBDownload29
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