Originally Posted by scrosler
Anwyas, I love teh PPC Kitchen. I do. BUT it does not fulfill an XV6850 users needs. Sorry there MOD and seniro level people. It doesnt have the correct GPS drivers to use with VZ Nav. Yes, you can scoff but lot of people use VZ Nav, its all we have witout hacking PRI. Whcih of course I do recomend.
Secondly, hjave you used GPS on the PPC Kithen even wth a hacked PRI on a Verizon XV6850? If so can you post the ROM as I was unsucsul getting GPS locks. Flashed to my kitchen and ROM and had no issues.
Has the kitchen been updated wtih this? If so I will play around. IM kitchen nuetral, really. I juist found that the PPC K didint fulfill my needs. Which is why, myself, bored and Former, we worked togetther for the last month to achieve things like this.
You do know you can patch up any kitchen to work, right? It can be done easiest, however using PPCkitchen.
You know we can put a spin on things too.... Humor me on this one.....
I can say to GGURU, You dont need the PPC K if you use a bepe style kitchen. ehhh... Its all choice. Thats all it is, choice. If we limit oursleves to one choice then thats all we have.... Once choice! Doesnt sound very flexible when we do that now does it? Isnt this borad about learning and choices.
Choices to leave the stock ROM, choices to post your work? Comeon guys, lets all get along, stop realizing that the PPC K is NOT FOR EVERYONE.
ok, I've "stopped realizing that the PPCK is NOT FOR EVERYONE". Now I'm onto it IS for everyone.
I still dont know why some senior members come in stifle innovation and progress. You may disagree and that is your choice. This is our choice.
lol - You realize that you are trying to argue in favor of using tools that even the author acknowledges as being antiquated? Essentially, you're arguing that using ancient versions of software is "innovative and progressive". Nice logic.
Back to the thread subject, you guys completely lost me in your xip discussion, and if I'm confused I'm sure everyone else is too.
Things are taken out of xip for two reasons: not enough xip space allocated (ram problem), or, xip partition isn't sized large enough (rom problem). Both are resizeable, but it's just plain easier to work within the existing layout than restructure stuff - so that's what most people do. Most of the older tools don't react well to non-standard layouts, anyway.
Things execute faster when they are in XIP form because they don't have to be rebased on load (rebasing is where you change all the jump tables to reflect where the module was actually loaded in memory). They also only load once (obviously, since they only load at a single fixed address). Unfortunately, nothing is free - not everything is pure and reentrant (which you must be to work right in xip form), and xip modules aren't unloadable - they permanently consume resources.