Originally Posted by mikee4fun
Heh, whats more ironic is I know a lot of people who use wmo without the locking feature. So if you lose your phone there is no point to encryption. All the person has to do if they find your phone you have is connect it to a computer and copy the storage card data over. Also I could be wrong but if you flash with this xip and then go to another rom all your data is hosed. This happened before when no2chem was releasing roms and then he stripped the encryption feature.
I agree the XIP is shady with encryption. But some of us NEED it with our phones. Some of us have jobs that revolve around laws like Sarbanes / Oxley (thank Ken Lay of Enron!!!!!) and the PCI compliancy rules (Thanks Visa!!!). But yeah, if you have to deal with that crap...
Also, this XIP is fast. Faster than the one bored gave me even... Buit I already got burnt once wih the encryption last night! ahahaha.. Oh well...
I want to learn about these XIP's so I can tweak them even further. But alas... I never have time to search ;c( Oh well.
Thanks again FormerPalm! We appreciate you doing this.