Originally Posted by nuzzle
Is anyone familiar with the FlipIt program for the diamond?
I have the cab in my internal storage folder and installed. Rebooted and tried to get it working... no dice. I did check the box to "enable global settings" and all that...
All I really want to do is have the text messaging be able to go into landscape. I've read around on here and someone said that the name to assign was "Tmail.exe" I tried both that and "textmail.exe" just for fun, and it never worked. Anyone have any Ideas how I can get this puppy working right??
Or if there is another (better) program out there...
You need to do the following:
1 - Check Enable GSensor
2 - Set global to 0 degrees
3 - Add tmail.exe with 0 degrees, 90 degrees and 270 degrees checked.
4 - Open the text/e-mail message program and rotate away.
If that doesn't work there is something wrong with the installation or a reg tweak might be interfering with FlipIt.
I use FlipIt with a number of programs in the exception list in my ROM and only enable rotation on what I want. The key is finding out the programs exe name or the window class name (you can figure that one out using something like fdcTaskManager).