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Old 01-20-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Cricket Complete MMS/WAP Settings (change file send/rec size limit included)

Originally Posted by Limegrntaln View Post
I hit the cricket drop down, I dont know why but the thread title doesnt specify CricKet. Maybe a mod can fix that for me.

These Settings are obviously for Cricket users only. I have received many PMs regarding my settings to get my True MMS working. Some of this has been posted before, however information on how to increase your send and receive limits to 1000K hasn’t. If you haven’t already done so, these settings are allot easier to do if you have already flashed the phone to a Cricket Rom, some of this stuff will be done for you. If we can get Vetvito to write this information into his Roms, they would all be preconfigured. Obviously all of these settings have been changed with some type of registry editor.

Phone: Sprint Mogul /HTC 6800 family
Radio 3.37.20 ROM version Vv6.1 (Vetvitos Black Pill) Alltel Version 3.35.671.9
CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19209.1.0.0 dcd)

The settings are as follows.
Credit Goes to Im1badazchick for originally sharing these settings with me. If you have questions please post to this thread. Please DO NOT! PM Im1badazchick to death.

HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\Arcsoft MMS UA\Config\MM1 Default Setting Cricket MMS and Change WAP default Port 1&2 to 8080 and WAP Default Time Out to 10000

HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\Arcsoft MMS UA\Config\MM1\MMSCSetting\Cricket MMS Ensure Gateway Port is 8080 ISP is Cricket MMS, MmscURI is set to , Name is Cricket MMS, Ensure the next 4 settings WAP1RecvDefault Size, WAP1Send WAP2 Recv and WAP2 Send are set to 1024000 WAPType to 1 (WAPType to 1 Ensures WAP 2.0)
WspHeader Accept: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related
X-Cricket-MDN this is your 10digit cell number (this might say X-Verizon or X-Sprint Change the value name to X-Cricket-MDN) Value Data 555-555-5555 < of course put in your own phone number no dashes.
Under UI\Domain
Under UI\SizeLimit WAP1RecvLimit 1,2,3 set everything on that page (12 settings in all) 1024000 (this is part of your 1000K send and receive limit)

HKLM /software/arcsoft mms ua/config/UI
find EnableServerEdit and change it from 0 to 1

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings Where it says Connections, Delete that entire string Hold down stylus on Connections circle it and delete it, This is what keeps the MMS from sending. Bad thing is every time you open explorer it re-writes this registry. To solve that many of us have just used something else besides Explorer. Like Opera, Firefox Mobile or Skyfire.

You can still use these browsers without writing the Connections Value. If you don’t want to use anything but Explorer, you are going to have to go into this registry file and delete the Connections string every time to send MMS or until someone comes up with a registry hack to Auto delete this value every time you close IE …Close Regedit.

Now go to your messages and click menu/MMS options and then click server and click add new. Add new or if you already have one called something else just click it and click need to change these settings to

Server Name Cricket
Gateway leave blank
Port Number 8080
Server address
Connect Via Cricket MMS
Sending limit (should be 1024000 if you changed these settings correctly in regedit)
Wap version Wap 2.0 (Wap 2.0 should be pre selected, if it is don’t touch it. If it keeps reverting back to 1.2 when you click close? Go back into regedit and select WapType 1 as mentioned previously, this forces it into WAP 2.0 without it MMS won’t work.) Now if you have more than 1 select the cricket one you just configured and hit set as default then go back to HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\Arcsoft MMS UA\Config\MM1\MMSCSetting\Cricket MMS and delete the other configuration, when you go back into settings CricKet should be the only one there and it should be default.

Start\Settings\Connections\Connections Under the General Tab Enter Cricket. Under the Modem Tab put in Cricket Mobile Web select modem to cellular line. Click next put in #777 to dial to Cricket, click next… User Name: Password: cricket Domain: Leave Blank, click finish…under proxy settings, check these 2 boxes (this network connects to the internet, and this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet) Proxy Server: click advanced. The only thing with a value should be HTTP the rest blank. Click ok and ok again, this ok should bring you back to the connections screen at the bottom click advanced. Click select networks. Under both drop downs select Cricket. Click Ok Go into Exceptions Click add new URL for each of the following settings you are going to need to click add new url again, these don’t all go under one “Add new URL” Block


Then Soft Reset. If you flash a rom (like the black pill) this will wipe all of these settings and you are going to have to re-enter everything all over again.

Additional credit: Vetvito for his Roms, Im1badazchick for help with her settings, all of the CricKet Mafia guys, Moo, Random, Amoamare, Healthman, Berry_lthird Badutahboy Vetvito over at HoFo And last but not least I would like to thank the Search button.

Obviously if these settings were any kind of help and you have over 50 posts please hit the Green Thanks Button

Now How do I do this on the vogue I've tried everything and still nothing works its already flashed to a cricket rom and everything I NEED
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