Originally Posted by jtrageser
Originally Posted by mtbdoc
Wow, I didn't realize that these phones are that susceptible to rain. Certainly a dunking in the commode is abuse, but I would have thought that they could stand being out in the rain a little.
Just got mine a couple of days ago, and Sprint managed to port my VZW number over in < 1hr...which was pretty cool. Now (with much help from you studs on this board) I've got to learn how to tune this beast up!
From the first post:
Allright, so today, I got caught in a horrible storm. Phone got soaked...
Mind telling me where you get the idea that it was just a LITTLE rain that caused this?
I didn't say a little rain...I said in the rain a little! I understand southern thunderstorms, trust me. But actually, the following posts are more in line with what I was thinking. LET IT DRY OUT! I've had electronics get wet before. I was thinking that there was something about cellphones.
I will try to be more clear in my thoughts...and I am VERY serious about the need to have y'all teach me how to "hotrod" this phone.