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Old 01-20-2009, 04:35 PM
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getting 1x (non evdo) lately on my sprint touch

I have sprint touch with wm 6.1 stock rom. In the last month or so I have been getting 1x instead of the evdo icon. this is most notable inside my house where i usually get consistent 3-4 bars with evdo icon, now it is consistent 3-4 bars with 1x icon. Reception and call quality is probably about the same otherwise. The only thing else I notice is that text and picturemail is very inconsistent. Someone would send me a text or picture that i never received. Then i just flew into Denver and all of a sudden i get all of these pictures now (which is 3 or 4 weeks later) and same with picures that i send people. i send using the official sprint mms cab.
I am installing that now to try arcsoft...but not sure if it is a related issue. Is there a big evdo issue with sprint? I live in Houston btw.

Another thing I postulate is that i heard with airave it makes the phone in its vicinity go 1x even if the phone is not registered to that airave. i don't have airave hooked up but could it be that one of my neighbors have airave hooked up and that is why i am getting 1x?