Originally Posted by kayfouroh
That's around when I placed my order. You will probably get it today, unless an order confirmation did not reach you..
Nope... already called home to ask if it came (I'm at work at the moment) and it didn't get there. Calling Sprint (tech support) and emailing ecare (ecare, ecare1 and ecare2) stated they couldn't find the order # except the last touch pro that I actually ordered for a second line. After a while, I was transferred to order support... who eventually managed to find my order # ERXXXXX and stated that it was "sent to warehouse" but there are no guarantees that it ever made it there. He said to call back Thursday / Friday to see if there's an actual updated status regarding this. I got the confirmation email at 11:42AM Eastern yesterday... but no phone reached my house as I called home to check after I read your post. Guess I live too far away or just extremely unlucky. There was another post that said there was insufficient stock... so I may never get my Touch Pro replacement upgrade... I however better not be charged for something I did not receive. Also, what do I do if they send me the Mogul instead? Send it back and be like "This wasn't on my confirmation order... if you were going to send me the same phone, I might as well keep my current phone as it will yield the same problems and I won't have to update everything over again"? Thanks in advance guys and congrats to everyone who's enjoying their new touch pros... I can survive with the Mogul if I just restart it everyday I suppose.