Originally Posted by stevenmh
I'm thinking about getting a BT head unit, but I'm not sure what A2DP will stream. Does it send all audio through the unit when it connects? Or only certain stereo programs like media player? Right now I'm using BTMusic to send all audio to my mono headset, so I can listen to Audible books and get navigation prompts while driving. I don't have any A2DP devices to try out what the profile does. I don't think I want to spend the money for a BT head unit if I still have to deal with BTMusic every time it connects. I can just use a wired cassette adapter with my factory head unit for music/nav, keep wearing my BT headset for voice, and call it good enough. If I can get all audio through the BT connection without BTMusic, though, that would make it a worthwhile to upgrade my head unit.
a2dp sends all sounds thru bt, except phonecalls, the headset profile handles those... when I 1st get in my vehicle only the headset profile is enabled, I have to manually enable the a2dp profile if I want to use it...