Originally Posted by popdog54
Normally when you open UL settings you select a tab and hit change. On the next screen at the top you would hit the "Tab" tab (lol). At the bottom of that screen you should see a check box that says "Open tab on startup". I guess you're saying you can't see this option. You can set this in the .ini file though. Under the page you want to open at startup add the Active command as see here:
Icon = \Storage Card\Buff Ico\aaahome.ico
CmdGestureUp = \Windows\HTCActionScreen.exe
CmdGestureDown = \Program Files\S2U2\s2u2.exe
Active = yes
When you first open UL settings the active tab should have a brown rectangle around it.
That's what I've been looking for !! Thanks.
The curse of the square screen - I love the keyboard but miss the screen
?? the Palm Pre ???
EDIT -- IT WORKED -- thanks . I really think that the developer should put a sample ini file of all the options available. I have an email into him so I'll make th suggestion