Originally Posted by jbonilla
Originally Posted by xv6700ft
Also, with Backup, when you tap on the Pocket Plus tab to bring up the application, you get an error. It's not launching the backup app. Has anyone managed to fix this?
I posted this in the other thread, but try this registry change to fix the SPB Backup Today plugin:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Spb Backup]
"Instl"=dword:00000001 (dword)
"InstallDir"="\\Windows" (string)
"InstlDir"="\\Windows" (string)
F*CK YA!!!!
Thank you! These are the keys I was looking for in the other thread to fix my Spb Backup v1.6.1 OEM I've been working on for this kitchen.
More Info Here:
Cool points to jbonilla!
EDIT: Nevermind... I didn't notice you uploaded an OEM as well. Oh well... thanks for finding the registry keys I was hunting for.
EDIT2: @jbonilla... I downloaded your RGU file. Looks like there may be some issues with it. You have some extra slashes in the HKEY lines I.E. :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\Spb Software House\Spb Backup]
should be
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House\Spb Backup]
While you use \\ in the String values... it is not necessary in the HKEY location.
I corrected those inconsistencies in my OEM here as well as adding all missing reg keys. This OEM should be fully functional and latest version as of now:
DopeWeasel's New Core OEMs