Re: [January 20th, 2009] WeaponRom 1.x CE OS 21109 Build 21109
Looking awesome. I usually prefer more of the stock Sprint look, but you did a great job with this and even the crazy fonts seem readable. I will definitely give it a try.
I will need 3 more tabs though (will try to create them myself if you don't):
1) People (seems like everyone is in agreement on this one)
2) Call History (I like quick access to it and the missed call notification)
3) Calendar (The calendar tab that was made on XDA is kinda weak since it doesn't really interface with appointments on the real calendar, but I still need a quick way to look up the day of the week for any given month/day, so I like having the tab)
I could make do without the calendar, but I have to have my first 5 tabs how I like them:
Call History (with missed notification)
Email (with new notification)
SMS (with new notification)