Thread: Where to start?
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Old 01-19-2009, 03:50 PM
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Where to start?

When I bought the phone from Alltel the guy that sold me the phone said I could customize it using this website. I have looked on this website many times and feel lost and I can never seem to find anything helpful.

People are talking about customizing rams and editing all kinds of stuff and it completely confuses me. Is there any posts on here that can help me? I am completely new I've had the phone for awhile but haven't done anything with it.

I don't know anything about roms either but everyone is talking about different kinds of roms. My rom version is 3.04.671.2 I'm not really sure if that's good or bad heh.

I have also noticed people are usually only discussing stuff about the Sprint Vogue. Since I have an Alltel vogue does this mean the stuff that works on the Sprint Vogue won't work for mine?

Sorry for making this so long. If anyone can help me or send me in the direction of help would be great. Thank you!