Thanks for the responses. I don't seem to have much of a stability problem with Phone Alarm 1.60.2 as a cab install, so I may try the OEM and see if it works. As for wisbar, I am willing to take the performance hit (not really noticeable in most instances but boot-up) and really like the features it adds. As to the zphone dialer, I use it all the time. Doesn't break the ## codes, and the smartdial is there. Also it is very easy to mod the buttons and background to whatever your liking. Can't tell you on the arrows, as my wisbar theme doesnt support them. I'll try with what i've been given here, and go from there.
Oh, has anyone successfully made TomTom Nav to work as an OEM? Couldn't find anything on it, but I am going to give it a whirl as my first attempt at OEM creation. As long as I don't figure out a way to let all the smoke out of my phone, it should be a learning experience lol!