Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20771 20954 21018 21028 21032 21109
Reserved for additional download space and bug list / change request.
As of 25-Mar
Versions 7 - 9 (non-E) may cause flickering icons for programs installed after boot (i.e. not cooked into a ROM). This happens with some SYS and not others. The problem can usually be fixed by one or both of the following:
1) Change the attributes of the shortcuts in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs to read-only
2) Apply the .RGU attached below
This problem does NOT seem to occur with the versions that include encryption - likely due to a difference in the way the file system filter stack-up is instantiated in boot.hv.
Note - if you use the .VM file in the versions 7-9 (non-E) XIP, you will gain about 64K of virtual memory (room to add more modules). Use ONLY with versions 7-9 non-E XIP - will break any other XIP. The version 7-9 (non-E) XIPs will also give you 64KB more program memory, even if you don't change your .VM file.
As of 23-Feb - No changes requested.
25-Jan Version 2 Change requests:
Bug list:
Ver 1 and 2 (broken versions no longer posted) - Phone Settings page gets stuck there - settings stick, but clicking OK doesn't take you out of the page. Cause - missing boot.rgu entries for Lockstream DRM.
17-Jan Version 1 Change requests:
Make version without mencfilt.dll (remove module, reallocate, see if can free any RAM, remove associated boot.rgu entries) - will do if time
Default to no encryption - done
Run pagepool changer patch and no cert patch - pagepool changer patch done, did not do no cert patch
Last edited by FormerPalmOS; 03-25-2009 at 12:04 PM.