Originally Posted by letsgoflyers81
Well I called Asurion and explained the situation. Moguls are back ordered so they offered me a Touch, Touch Diamond, or Treo 800w. They said the Touch Pro is not offered as a replacement. I'm going to call back and see if I can get the Pro, but I'm trying to think of a legitimate reason as to why I should get the Pro over the Treo. I can refuse the Touch and Diamond because there's no keyboard, but what reason could I use why I need the Pro over the Treo. It looks like the Treo's specs are superior to the Titan anyway. Does anyone have any ideas?
I called asurion on the 16th and they offered a diamond or treo 800w. The rep told me if i tried back today they would be replacing moguls with the touch pro. Sure enough, i called today and they are shipping me a brand new toouch pro.