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Old 01-19-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: XV6800/Titan still the phone or has its time come? What Should I Do?

I would get the TP on VZW IF you can get it cheap. I WOULD NOT get the TP going from the 6800 with having to sign another 2yr AND pay X amount of dollars for it simply because there is no HUGE upgrade other than a new face and some more RAM. And for those of you that say the RAM is enough in itself to make the upgrade (for VZW users only) that would be the most expensive RAM you would have paid for in many years.

So for me, I have stayed with my 6800 even though I wanted the TP. Now if I file a claim through Asurion and they upgrade me, thats another issue. I dont mind paying $50 for an upgrade and not having to renew my contract.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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