Originally Posted by d41m41b
Is there a way to prevent an audible notification and vibration for text messages from a specific contact only? I have a person who texts me regularly at all hours. I'm on-call for work so silencing my phone completely isn't an option. Also, this person is family so I don't want to block her completely. I want to receive the messages - just silently so I can deal with them at a more convenient time.
Try this, its called Magicall. This will solve your problems, instead of totally blocking the call or sms. The program logs it for your review later. Just setup and forget about it. You can set it allow the calls or sms to show up on your phone or not. You can set to block a specific number, unknown numbers or a number thats not in your contact; its pretty specific
PM me if you need help with the setup, this thing is a God send.
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