You should be able to do that the same way as I described changing to Merlin (WM5) skin. I recommend leaving Merlin in the bat file as a backup though.
If you're going to add your own theme to the OEM I would do it like this...
1. Take the lines for copying the WADefault theme out of the MakeOEM.bat file.
You'll want to remove the notepad line for WADefault skin too.
2. Run MakeOEM.bat.
3. Edit the skin you want to use and make sure that it works from one folder.
Ex: If it has a sounds folder, move those sounds with the rest of the images and edit the skin file to point to their new location.
4. Copy your custom skin directly into Optional_WisbarAdv2_WAD.
5. Edit the Optional_WisBarAdv2_WAD rgu file and config.ini in notepad to change \Windows\ to your skin file.
After your rom is flashed you can still add new themes by choosing custom theme from Wisbaradv2 options and importing one.
Edit: Theme folders that are placed in \My Documents will automatically show up on the list because I added that to the rgu as a theme directory allready.
Edit: I've updated the attachment in the opening post so it now prompts you to ask if you want to install each one. You can skip step one up there if you have the latest version.