Re: [January 17th, 2009] M I G H T Y R O M 4 . 2 [SYS OS 21109 Build 21109] [UC]
Coming from Juicy 4.1 since he's gone on to greener pastures, and I'm really diggin' the 4.2 Mighty, but maybe someone can explain why Mighty is behaving differently than Juicy. Here's my installation order:
1. Flash ROM / hard reset
2. Disable TF3D / soft reset
3. Change theme to a blue one <-- first problem, the taskbars change, but the main section of the Today screen remains black. No themes affect the Today screen, even after soft resets
4. Install nuenobar to get rid of lower taskbar / soft reset <-- second problem, I get really wierd behavior with the lower taskbar. At first it displays the lower section of the MightyMike splash screen, then it'll just show the lower taskbar of whatever the last-run program was. Lower taskbar never goes away on the Today screen like it's supposed to.
These are the biggest issues I've had switching from Juicy to Mighty, hopefully someone can make sense of why things are working so differently. THANKS coming to anybody who can help!