The problem with buildOS is that it is giving me that error when I have not chosen more than one carrier. I created about 4 roms yesterday successfully to prove this. Today was a different story. I tried just deleting the OEM that was triping it up. (Yes one of the other carriers I didn't choose) and it ran into the error on the next carrier. I will mess with it more tomorrow. Might just need to reextract everything again.
As for the backup + 100% issue. I have a feeling you are right even though it is the latest 1.6.1 of spbbackup. It worked like a charm with my older 3.5 rom, but every time I restored with this one it is pegged at 100% with no sign of what's causing it. It does make it kind of suck since I like to keep my stuff intact for when the unforseen hard reset comeith, but the main thing I need safe are my text messages and this rom did supply me with multiple ways to save them.
My biggest issue right now is my vision issue. I'm getting the No Modem at the dialed number error and its not the rom's fault. (Im back on the stock 2.2 atm as well as tried my old 3.5) I feel it might be something to do with the fact that I broke the rule of making sure I have a stock rom on my PPC when I bring it in for service. I had to be without service for 2 days on my phone and decided to prepair it for the day I get it back. Well the # codes she needed she couldn't get to ( and I'm still identifying the ones in the new roms menu ) I got it home with her instructions to get the phone working, but there must be something else she needs to do to get vision working. (or something just on their end.)
Ok well sleep time now. see you all in the morning.