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Old 01-17-2009, 04:02 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Everyone, I think I found something really important out about G2TL's brilliant package.

If you have any other battery tweaks done or cabs installed, REVERSE THEM.

If you have a new or hard reset-ted TP, don't do any other battery tweaks after G2TL's.

Or at least use the device for a while before you do to see whether you're happy with the battery life or not.

I'm astonished at how much better my battery life seems after getting rid of a second battery tweak I put on after G2TL's cleanup. I can't guarantee other people will have the same result but it's a pretty clear difference for me--I've web surfed, used YouTube, texted and done a bunch of stuff and it seems like my juice is running down a lot slower. I'll have to leave it this way for a long while and report if this good behavior continues but give the cleanup package settings for your battery a shot by themselves for a while and see if it makes a difference to you.
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