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Old 07-20-2007, 02:18 AM
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Re: ok....

Originally Posted by IM0001
Well all of a sudden when trying to recook a new rom to test the sprint vision issue.. and the dang creatos keeps throwing me an error message saying temp\dump\dpst.dpst already exist. Didnt do this yesterday. just my luck with this replacement phone I sware. im going back to my older working 3.5 untill i can figure this out.
You selected more than one checkbox in the Carrier Customize section of BuildOS. I know that because those are the only OEMs that contain that file. Run BuildOS again and make sure only the one for your carrier is checked.

And just FYI, dupe file errors in BuildOS are the easiest to troubleshoot because they tell you right in the error message what the problem file is. So then you just go to the kitchen, click the search button, and search for that file name--it will show you all the places the file exists. So you can conclude logically that you selected two OEMs which are mutually exclusive.

Ideally buildos would be updated to allow some OEMs to have radio button controls instead of checkboxes (meaning it forces you to select only one from that category), but until (and if ever) that happens you just have to be careful about what boxes you check. The app is bare bones and doesn't really do any handholding.

As for your 100% CPU issue, I would be hesitant to use backup apps. I have never trusted them to fully restore everything the way it was, and it sounds like you're seeing such an issue here. But you should also try another task manager (I suggest and can't speak highly enough about dotfred's superb app "Task Manager", which is selected by default in the kitchen) to verify that your CPU truly is pegged and not just an erroneous reading from that app you're using.
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