Ok I just flashed...
Cant seem to get a Data connection
IE will not open up
Seems Very Slow at times..
I did a Hard reset after I flashed maybe I need to do it again?
I Did another hrd reset and then..
I tried this...... (From ConFlipper on another thread... Thanks Con)
1. ##778 and then edit. unlock code should be 000000
2. go down to security. in your view info tab.
3 HDR AN AUTH id is,
XXXXXXXXXX@alltel.net (x is where your phone number should be"
HDR AN AUTH password is- alltel
4. PPP user ID and Password are same has the ones you had above
Still no Data connection
Just playing around and found that while I am connected to ActiveSync I get Data service but still cannot get it from Alltel..... ??????????????
Still no Data or IE