Background info:
My on/off switch broke. I went to Sprint store on Jan 4, 2009 to talk to rep there. He placed a work order for me. He said it's backordered, so call Sprint after a week so they may be able to give me Touch Pro. I was lazy to call, so I waited until today, Jan 16. I called Asurion but "all lines are busy" and the call was dropped. Then I saw this thread, saw self service method, and placed another work order through it. Later, I called Sprint customer service, but no luck. Went on chat customer service thingy (weird, I can't find the link now) and talked:
Agent: Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Venitta. How may I assist you today?
Me: Hi
Agent: Hello, how are you?
Me: I have an outstanding order to replace my phone, and it's been almost two weeks, but it hasn't come yet.
Me: I called Asurion, but I couldn't connect to their number.
Agent: For account verification, may I please have the 6-10 digit pin number on the account or could you please answer your security question for me?
Me: <replied>
Agent: Thank you for the information. One moment please.
Agent: I show that it was sent to the warehouse today, however you should be receiving this with in 1-3 business days.
Me: Okay.
Me: Actually, since the order I placed through Sprint store took so long time, I placed order through self service website today
Me: Which one went through?
Me: Here are two order numbers: <order#1>, <order#2>.
Agent: Yes, the order placed today was the order sent out, however if the other order was placed through Asurion, you will have to contact them at 800) 584-3666 to get info on that order.
Me: I called them but every time I called them, phone got disconnected. That's why I ordered another through Self Support @ Sprint
Agent: I do understand, however we are unable to access this info, I do apologize.
Me: Also, I'd like to confirm that I will be receiving HTC Touch Pro?
Agent: I do apologize, I am unable access this info, I just show the order was placed today.
Me: Okay, that's fine. Thanks for your time.
My order conf email says Touch Pro, so I hope I will really get it o
Originally Posted by gbm85
Trying to track online and it says order not found.
I can't find my order online, either.
Originally Posted by toviaheli
what happens if you simply hit reply to the email you received? can you email them back? just wondering if i is fully automated, or if there is a person on the other end?
In the end of the email, it says: Please note that this message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.