My Mogul was PerFect Until..
I have the sprint Mogull...
i dont really have alot of programs downloaded on my mogul
i have - HTC Home customizer
- HTC Task Manager
- IM+
- Diamond theme (sortage card)
These are downloaded directly to the device.
and every other thing example music picture files are downloaded into a storage card.
My memory is Storage Total 150 MB // in use 57MB // Free 93MB
memory Program Total 46 MB // 26 MB // 20 MB
my memory card is 4 Gigz every was good. i usualli use my interney browser (e) and Im+ and texting mostly but yesterday i was only using im+ and then my fone started lagging.
So i did the logic thing just gave my phone a soft reset.
Problem: Now that i turn on my fone it constantly lags when opening program even start menu.
If everything seems well i open Im+ and the lag comes back and then it freezes
and if all seems well i try sending a text message through phone numbers and the phone freezes....
it seems mostly when i start using the keyboard it freezes
How do i fix this...or do i have to reset the whole fone... please help