Re: [01-11-09] DREAM TP ROM v1.1 ALL CARRIERS [OS 5.2.21109 Build 21109][UC]
Originally Posted by thestick00
Someone posted about this earlier in the thread but got no response. I have your latest rom flashed and this morning tried to flash the Telus radio found in the thread with all radios available. I got no error message at all. The problem is, I do not see the radio on my TP. On my device information it says i have radio version 1.04.05V, but i can't find it for the life of me. Any help? Anyone?
The radio is what allows you to make / receive calls, access the internet. When you say you do not see the radio on your TP are you saying you can't make/receive calls? Basically it what allows you to access the cell phone tower.
Last edited by pdx77; 01-16-2009 at 06:09 PM.