Fann Software Screen Capture Utility - Take Screen shows to show the non-ppcgeeks what I'm Talking about
Windows Mobile 6 RDP Client - Used to RDP into work terminal servers
markuz Saber - Light Saber application... Geeks need entertainment every now and again
zoomVNC - Needed a VNC Client for some work at a clients. Works pretty well for what it is
.net 3.5 - pretty self explanatory
WMWifiRouter - Also pretty self explanatory
Mr Hawaii's Diamond Slide to Answer - Phone was going off as I was removing it from the holster. Also enjoy it with the black dialer.
Torch Button - Uses the LED for the camera as a flash light. Has on and really bright settings. Mostly because I'm too lazy to carry around a real flash light
CallFirewall - Screen Calls and SMS messages. Mostly keep the phone quiet at night
OctroTalk - Use for Google Talk, but can also be used for a variaty of other im clients. I believe this also supports video chat.
PHM Registry Editor - Free Reg Editer that a friend installed for me. I have not tried anything else, but this seems to do the trick right out of the box.
TCPMP - Nice alternative to WMP. I have never been a Windows Media Player fan. Always used winamp or iTunes.