Thread: Reg Editor
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:46 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Reg Editor

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Normally it will just be the Value Data to be modified.

Click ok, close the Editor, wait 20 seconds, and soft reset phone for changes to take effect. Note, before you can edit the registry, you must unlock it in CE.

Go to Tools, Unlock Registry and follow instructions on phone. IT will need to run a app. Just say yes.

To import a file, go to Edit>Import. Browse to the file in question and go from there.

To create a value or key, navigate where you need to be, go to Edit> New and choose what you need and follow instructions given to you via the tweak info.

That should get you started. Might want to back all data up though, not just the registry.
I figured out the unlock thing on my own last night. I was sitting there saying to myself "there's nothing to edit", then "duh" there sits the unlock button. Thanks for all the help. I'm going to play around with this tonight and hopefully I don't get myself in too much trouble. I'm sure I will be asking for some more help in the near future.

There were so many things I didn't like on my XV6900 that I already like just in the hardware of the Omnia. I'm sure once I get everything else tweaked, I'll be more than happy with the device.

I am planning on running some sort of theme besides the ones that are currently on the phone (Samsung today is OK and I can not stand the Widgets). I was thinking of trying out Today 2 first and then if I don't like that try out HTC Home (I liked it a lot on the XV6900) and SPB Mobile Shell. Does it make a difference if I do the reg edits before or after installing new programs like the ones mentioned above?

Last edited by hop2000; 01-16-2009 at 11:54 AM.