Stuck in boot loader screen
I used an un-locker and now I'm stuck in the boot loader screen. I've tried to flash back to 3.56 and 3.16 and neither of them work. 3.56 goes to 11% and then resets itself. I tried Cokeman's titanex_bl and it doesn't work. I tried hard resetting, taking out battery then hard resetting and then flashing, none of it works. I'm not bricked, I think ? But I can't restore. So I don't know what to do. If anyone has something I can do I'd love them forever. I've looked around a bunch of sites for an hour now looking around and I can't find a thing. It says I have no image as my rom. It says, "TITA 100
SPL-1.20.Olipro" On my bootloader if that makes a difference.