Originally Posted by lazer9
Yea I should have known better from my experience with the Apache and constantly adding new progs, tweaks, ect... to have a better backup plan in order. Its hard to hold back when you get a new device from just digging in and applying every tweak and edit you dig up w/o slowing down and keeping things in order better.
So I am trying out Memmaid again (actually had tried it out on the Apache a while back.) And I also have Spb Backup now.
How do I get rid of this VZApps permanently so as not to have a screw up again and click it? I suppose I could find it in the Windows/Start Menu and rid the Icon, but is there a better way?
It's like your running windows buddy....you have to go to the "Remove Programs" icon in the settings menu under the "System" tab. You can remove any programs from there. MemMaid is an excellent all around program. It reminds me of CCleaner for Windows......very functional app, just be careful what you get rid of.