Originally Posted by fr4nk1yn
Not the program I can confirm.
It's worked great for me besides locking up on MOST installs.
I've had it not do that a few times but can't narrow down why it DOESN'T lock up at those times.
Just kills the touchscreen, the hardware buttons still work.
I just install it last in UC and then reset when it locks ):
Ya the freeze is annoying. That is one of the main reasons I made it into an OEM so it's pre installed. No more freezes.
That said, I used the cab install for Seven and it is still causing the errors with the updater for profile and PRL. It is the only app causing this problem...that doesn't mean that another app isn't the reason Seven is acting up but I know everything works when I pause Seven and doesn't work when I resume Seven. Thats to bad too because I really like this program. I'll keep testing but as of now, Seven is the reason for my issues.