Originally Posted by soundworkspr
calcu... good rom man love all 3 of them... so question... when r u gonna put the 3d icons on the top??? thats all thats missing on your rom's
Well I personally don't like them but if you find one that looks good, I will include them in the kitchen
Originally Posted by aceracer24
Is Sprint your carrier? If so, can you verify that the PRL updater and Profile Updater work? I am getting error code: 1012. I was pretty sure it was working on 1.1 but I don't think I have had it work on 1.2 yet.
I just tested mine and it works fine, what radio version are you using?
Originally Posted by sampson
what do i need to change on a rom to make my programs/settings menus like the one in this rom? there are more icons on each row than in any other rom i try and i liked that
It's the 4 row reg tweak, you can find a cab here or on xda for it and I know someone posted the reg key changes recently on Mighty's or Dream's thread if you want to change them manually